About us

The ORALPHA project has been conceived with the overall objective of promoting social inclusion in young and adult immigrants as well as in illiterate refugees whose mother tongue differs from the host language. Whereas to learn the language of the host country, is a vital element in civic and social participation and therefore its good development directly influences the reduction of social exclusion and poverty.

Within existing problems in this area the ORALPHA project aims to solve that not all European countries have the possibility to train teachers in order to provide youth and adult immigrants lacking in the host language skills, the training that they need. To this end, it has been established an specific purpose: to improve the practice of immigrants host language teaching in its basic skills (literacy and oral communication) at a European level.

For this aim, the project pretends to achieve the following tangible resu

  1. To publish an European theoretical and methodological manual of good practices as a guide based on the global-constructivist approach, namely that combines oral language teaching and literacy. It will also be adapted to the use of new technologies.
  2. To generate an European language and literacy teaching engine for immigrants through an on-line portal.
  3. To provide on-line training for trainers courses through the portal.
  4. To record the whole project process and its results in an audio visual documentary.

In the design of the project has been established, as an affected group, the non-literate immigrant population whose mother tongue differs from the host language. It is to this group of people to whom is directed the need to acquire the host language and the alphabetical system in the fastest and most efficient way.

However, to ensure the achievement of this objective, the project establishes as direct beneficiaries the individuals and entities engaged in teaching languages and literacy to immigrants. In this case, one starts from the formative necessity and as well as from the lack of a European reference. (theoretical methodological guide).

Other beneficiaries are also considered beneficiaries, albeit indirectly

  • Local entities and the organizations that participate in the project
  • Local, regional and state institutions
  • European Comission

Because the objectives to be achieved in this project are at European level, we consider that its implementation should be made on the basis on exchange of experiences and active collaboration between different EU countries. Only in this way it will be possible to achieve the expected results.

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